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Office Cleaning

Wheatley and Sons' office cleaning services can be daily, fortnightly, or monthly. We offer specialized cleaning solutions in the Sydney area to fit in with you and your team.

A clean and fresh office is vital to work productivity and is a pleasure to work in. Impress your clients & employees with a Wheatley and Sons office clean today.

Our cleaners come prepared without their own supplies, we use a range of eco-friendly cleaning supplies to ensure not only a clean space for your workers but an overall clean environment.


  • Clean computer screens and dust keyboards.
  • Recycle paper and empty bins.
  • Vacuum floors around and under desks and tables.
  • Clean the windows in offices.
  • Disinfect the surfaces that people touch: phones, lamps, keyboards, fax machines, copiers, staplers, and more.
  • Tidy desk area and arrange paperwork in neat piles.
  • Dust desks, shelves, and other surfaces.

Kitchen & Dining Area

  • Clean utensils and wash dishes, and put them away.
  • Empty bins and recycling.
  • Clean the refrigerator and remove out-of-date food. Disinfect surfaces 
  • Clean the kettle, toaster & microwave
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces people eat and prepare food on. 
  • Mop floors

Reception Areas

  • Dust the reception desk, hard surfaces, waiting room tables, and more.
  • Empty reception and recycling bins.
  • Organise books or magazines in a presentable order
  • Remove any cups.
  • Clean and dust windows, company signs, and other elements clients may see
  • Disinfect surfaces, including light switches, lamps, phones, call buttons and bells, TV screens & remotes.

Office Bathrooms

  • Clean and disinfect the toilets.
  • Clean and disinfect the sinks
  • Sweep the floors and mop with disinfectant.
  • Clean off hard surfaces, discard paper towels and other rubbish not in the recycling bin,
  • Disinfect all hard surfaces.
  • Replace empty toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls.
  • Clean the mirror with a glass cleaner.

Front Door & Outside Areas

  • Sweep leaves, branches, or rubbish on the sidewalk or near the front door.
  • Make sure welcome mats are cleaned off and in the right place.
  • Clean glass doors and windows to make sure they are dirt and streak-free.
  • Empty outdoor trashcans to avoid any smells or pests.
  • Trim back branches or bushes that are overhanging.